15th EGS Congress

Dear all,

I hope to find you all well.

We are very excited to finally host again -after the Covid era- an in-person meeting.

The 15th EGS meeting is going to be held in Athens from the 4th to the 8th of June. As you can see, this year's program is outstanding! We are very pleased to reunite after those 2 years of pause all the top glaucoma specialists in one place again. And the venue is just spectacular!


Best regards

Philippe Denis & Delphine Bifrare

National society committee

On behalf of the EGS Congress organizer


Výroční cena ČGS za rok 2024

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Kurz Glaukomové chirurgie BASIC

Vážená paní doktorko, vážený pane doktore,
společnost Alcon si vás dovoluje pozvat na
Kurz Glaukomové chirurgie BASIC  v pátek 14.3.2025 v 9.00 hod